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Career Opportunities

Kindly submit your CV below along with a short paragraph about what makes you a good candidate for the opening

معلمة رياض أطفال (لغة عربيه)

  • مهارات تعليم و قيادة متطورة

  • معرفة عميقه في اللغة العربية وعلومها والقران الكريم و علومه 

  • مهارات ابداعية وفنية

  • مهارة ادارة الوقت  العمل تحت الضغط

  • الصبر و المرونة

  • بكالوريس  رياض أطفال او لغة عربية

Kindergarten Teacher - English 

  • Advanced teaching and leadership skills

  • Strong knowledge of subjects to teach students, such as math and science

  • Excellent communication skills for interacting with children, coworkers and parents

  • Creative and artistic abilities

  • Time management skills and the ability to multitask

  • Patience and flexibility

  • College Certificate in Early Childhood education

  • Or  anther college degree with at least 2+ years of experience in the same field

حاضنة أطفال

  • خبره لا تقل عن سنه في حضانة أطفال معتمدة 

  • معرفة سابقه مراحل النمو لدى الطفل وتطوراته

  • المرونه والعطف و حب اللعب مع الاطفال والقدرة على الرقص والغناء معهم

  • القدرة على البحث و القراءة والتواصل باللغة الانجليزية 

  •  التعاون والعمل ضمن فريق

PE Teacher

  • Knowledge in different types of sports (Gymnastics, football, basketball, Zumba..) along with knowledge in healthy habits and staying well.

  • First aid Certificate is a plus.

  • An ability to relate well to children and young adults and to recognise and respond to their varying educational and pastoral needs.

  • A passion for education and an awareness of wider educational

  • issues.

  • Reliability and flexibility.

  • Proactively contribute to the school in areas such as clubs, trips and learning outside of the classroom.

©2021 by Springfield For Kids.

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